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Dell Inkjet Ink Cartridge, цијан, магента, жолта, црна, пакет, инк -џет, пакет

Dell Inkjet Ink Cartridge, цијан, магента, жолта, црна, пакет, инк -џет, пакет

Buyers rating:
DEN 0.67


The Color Ink Cartridge from Dell��� is a convenient 5-ink color cartridge which produces high-resolution bright and vivid photos. It features microscopic ink-drop size for incredible clarity and detail. Moreover, it supports Dell's Ink Management System��� for low ink detection and easy online ordering. Dell Inkjet Ink Cartridge, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, 1 / Pack, Inkjet, 1 / Pack Delivers precise, sharp, and reliable printing with maximum usability. Технологијата Inkjet ви дава ултра остри детали за обичните и специјализираните трудови. Карактеристики на бојата за печатење во цијан нуди изводливост и погодност за избор на посакувани бои. Ink Management System feature for maximum productivity with added dependability. Use ink cartridge for your printer to get the desired result with high precision and accuracy.

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